How does it work

Receive payments and promote your web presence and projects

BuzzyPro is a platform to publish and sell personal content.

You can publish photos, videos, documents and content in general to your own feed and either make them available for free or for a tip/payment.

You receive your payments immediately and you can use it as your own homepage for all of your web pages, projects, services and to receive tips from your supporters and fans.

The future of the web is made of many platforms for different purposes. We use platforms for blogging, streaming, podcasting, etc. BuzzyPro is a handy platform where you can put all of the online and offline things that you are doing in one single place.

People can use your BuzzyPro page to see your work, contact you and support you.

One page to share makes it easier to support you.

Take a look at this sample page:

Your BuzzyPro page makes it super easy to send you tips.

You can use BuzzyPro in addition to your subscription sites (e.g. Patreon, etc).

  1. You can sell individual videos, photos and documents in general with a tip (you can set a minimum amount).
  2. You receive your money immediately at the time of sale.
  3. You can put all of your projects, services and links in one single page. If you don't have a website, BuzzyPro is the perfect solution to promote your online presence.

Your main page currently has six sections:

My Feed

Send me a Tip

About Me

My Projects

My Services

My Links

Your payments are paid immediately to your bank account using Stripe Connect.

We use Stripe to process payments directly to your bank account.

You just have to complete the Stripe onboarding process and provide them with your bank account details.

We take a 10% fee from tip payments to run the platform.

There are no additional costs to use the basic version of the platform.

In the coming months we will be adding a messaging system to communicate with other users and a mailer section to send mass emails to your followers.

Feel free to get in touch for questions or information by sending us an email at